Our Story

Our supporters

We depend on donor funding to provide you with free software and to support projects in the field with indigenous trackers.

Frederick Mulder Foundation

The Frederick Mulder Foundation for funding our Kalahari San Master Tracker Programme in Namibia and Botswana.

NOAH Advisors

NOAH Advisors funded the development of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of our new CyberTracker Online.


Unesco commissioned our paper on Assessing and Certifying Indigenous Tracking Expertise and Skills

Vulcan Inc. and SMART

The Vulcan Inc. and SMART Partnership for funding the integration of CyberTracker software with the SMART Conservation Software.

Current SMART Partnership members include: Frankfurt Zoological Society, Global Wildlife Conservation, North Carolina Zoo, Panthera, Peace Parks Foundation, Wildlife Conservation Society, Wildlife Protection Solutions, World Wildlife Fund, and Zoological Society of London.

National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation, USA, for funding the integration of the CyberTracker software with the CitSci.org online software for citizen science.

Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust

The Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust for funding the Khomani San Tracker Project in South Africa.

JRS Biodiversity Foundation

The JRS Biodiversity Foundation for making it possible to upgrade the CyberTracker Software for Android Smartphones.

European Commission

Between 2002 and 2007 we received substantial support from the European Commission.