Our Story

About us

CyberTracker Conservation is a non-profit Public Benefit Organisation that promotes the vision of a worldwide environmental monitoring network.


Since 1997 CyberTracker has developed and distributed free software for smart phones and PDAs for data gathering and visualisation. We also provide Tracker Certification to preserve indigenous tracking skills and to improve observer reliability in biodiversity research and conservation. CyberTracker is based in Cape Town, South Africa.

Louis Liebenberg

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Louis is an expert tracker and the author of several books and scientific papers on the art of tracking. He is an independent tracking scientist, an Associate of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University and a Laureate of the 1998 Rolex Awards for Enterprise.

Justin Steventon

Co-Founder and Lead Software Developer

Justin has been the Lead Software Developer for CyberTracker since 1997.

Board of Directors

Carike Pepler
Louis Liebenberg
Executive Director
Robin Bowman
Board member
Mark Elbroch
Board member
Juan Pinto
Board member
Anita Forjette
Board member

Management Team

Louis Liebenberg
Executive Director and Head of Research & Development
Carike Pepler
Financial & Operations Management
Anita Forjette
Communications Management and Head of Legal

Software development

Louis Liebenberg
System design and UX design CyberTracker software
Andrew Rushworth Camara Consulting
CyberTracker Online software development
Justin Steventon
System design & programming CyberTracker Mobile

CyberTracker Certification Standards Committee

The CyberTracker Certification Standards Committee is responsible for maintaining the tracker certification standards.

Louis Liebenberg

Adriaan Louw

Juan Pinto

the late Wilson Masia

Mark Elbroch

CyberTracker has enjoyed wide recognition for its achievements and role played in society over the years.

998 Rolex Awards for Enterprise
The Wildlife Society SETWG 2011 Award
CyberTracker Conservation NPC

Reg. No. 2000/016138/08 | A Public Benefit Organisation PBO Reference No. 18/11/13/857

Cyber Tracker PAIA Manual