Scientific research

CyberTracer technology continues to contribute to a number of ongoing scientific research projects…

Science Support within the South African National Parks Adaptive Management Framework

SANParks, which include 19 protected areas, varying in biodiversity and environmental gradients, require an adaptive management system in order to appropriately and effectively monitor and plan their parks. In order to do so, they tailor cybertracker to fit the various needs of their projects, which include accurate data collection, capacity building for non-literate employees, and support for local community projects.

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Aerial Line Transect Surveys using Laser Range Finder

Procedures used by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to conduct aerial line transect surveys of pronghorn populations. CyberTracker is used with a Laser Rangefinder to capture data, which is then analysed using the Distance 5.0 software.

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Contacts Between Domestic Livestock and Wildlife at Kruger National Park Interface of the Republic of South Africa

Monitoring the interaction between wildlife and livestock is crucial in better understanding the spread of foot-and-mouth disease in South African cattle.

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Defining Optimal Sampling Effort for Large-Scale Monitoring of Invasive Alien Plants: A Bayesian Method for Estimating the Abundance and Distribution

Though large scale protected areas have become a crucial concept in conservation, the implementation of such projects are often constrained by cost. It becomes crucial, then, for parks to develop a cost-effective method of sampling which can serve the dual purpose of both monitoring and planning conservation areas. By using CyberTracker data collected in Kruger National Park, Hui et al. have compared various models of sampling in order to determine the most accurate and least effort intensive mode of gathering data.

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Patterns of Alien Plant Distribution at Multiple Spatial Scales in a Large National Park: Implications for Ecology, Management and Monitoring

In Kruger National Park, Foxcroft et al. use data collected by rangers using CyberTracker devices to paint an accurate and detailed picture of alien plant distributions, in order to provide recommendations for more appropriate monitoring of plant species on different scales.

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Protected Area Boundaries as a Natural Filter of Plant Invasion from Surrounding Landscapes

Data collected by rangers using CyberTracker devices has shown that invasive plants in Kruger National Park are propagated by flowing water coming from outside the park. This information can now be used to prioritize intervention areas, allowing for a more effective use of resources within the park.

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Scientific Research

CyberTracer technology continues to contribute to a number of ongoing scientific research projects...

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CyberTracker used to safeguard the Lesser White-fronted Goose in Greece

“A Smart Patrol System for safeguarding the Lesser White-fronted Geese in Greece” and “A combined patrolling scheme for safeguarding the Lesser White-fronted Goose in Greece”

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Kenya reaping the benefits of its aggressive anti-poaching drive, bolstered by Ellipse Projects radios and CyberTracker app

Amidst all the bad news in 2020, there was at least one silver lining.

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Animal Counting Toolkit: a practical guide to small-boat surveys for estimating abundance of coastal marine mammals.

ABSTRACT: Small cetaceans (dolphins and porpoises) face serious anthropogenic threats in coastal habitats. These include bycatch in fisheries; exposure to noise, plastic and chemical pollution; disturbance from boaters; and climate change

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