Clear and detailed illustrations of more than 110 animal tracks; 160 full colour photographs of animals and signs, and distribution maps; authoritative text, by an internationally noted expert, describing the spoor and signs left by each animal; and a compact, easy-to-use format; the ideal pocket-size bush companion.
Liebenberg’s Field Guide to the Animal Tracks of Southern Africa immediately became the authoritative work on this subject when it was published 10 years ago.
This volume might not take its place on the bookshelf, but it will certainly be the checklist of choice in the field. Measuring 190mm x 95mm x 9mm, it fits handily into a rucksack or a pocket – perhaps best a button-down thigh pocket – and can be whipped out for easy reference.Its excellent photographs are clear, as are Liebenberg’s pencil sketches of tracks and droppings, and the back cover has a handy 17cm measure that can be held up to tracks. Distribution maps help with identification, too, as many similar species are not found in the same stretch of country.
Tracks shown range from caterpillars through termites, millipedes, snakes (both rectilinear and undulating tracks), tortoises, turtles, leguaans and crocodiles, to birds ( from mossies to ostriches) and mammals in all their variety, from mice to elephants. . As a list alone, this work would be valuable, but it also includes notes on the art of tracking, how to use the book and reading the signs. Nobody venturing out into the wild should be without it.
Mike Oettle (East Cape Weekend Leisure)
Buy here:
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