The Master Tracker certificate was created in honour of the memory of the elder generation of indigenous hunter-gatherers of the Kalahari.
Some of the best Master Trackers, some of whom are no longer alive, included the late !Nam!kabe Molote (photo) of Lone Tree, Botswana, !Namka and /Xantsue of Bere, Botswana, /Dzau /Dzaku and Xa//nau of Groot Laagte, Botswana, Bahbah, Jehjeh and Hewha, Ngwatle Pan, Botswana, Tso!oma, Ganamasi and Mutsabapu of Old Xade, Central Kalahari, Botswana, !Nani //Kxao, Ghau ≠Oma and Tsisaba Debe of the Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia.
A distinction is made between the Indigenous Master Tracker and the Master Tracker.
The Indigenous Master Tracker was or still is a traditional hunter, using the persistence hunting method and/or the traditional poison bow-and-arrow.
The Master Tracker practise tracking in a modern context.
Master Trackers have been evaluated by Louis Liebenberg.
When a region has five or more Master Trackers, potential Master Trackers will be evaluated through a process of peer review and certified by the Certification Standards Committee.
The late /Ui /Ukxa, 2009, Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia
The late Dabe Dahm, 2009, Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia
The late /Kun //Xari, 2009, Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia
The late !Nate Brahman, 2010, Lone Tree, Botswana
The late Horekhwe (Karoha) Langwane, 2010, Lone Tree, Botswana
Quashe (/Uase) Xhukwe, 2010, Lone Tree, Botswana
Nxjouklau Kashe, 2010, Bere, Botswana
/Ui G/aq’o, 2017, Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia
/Ui /Kunta, 2017, Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia
#Oma Daqm, 2017, Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia
The late Karel Kleinman (Vet Piet), 1999, Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa
The late Dawid Bester, 1999, West Coast National Park, South Africa
The late Wilson Masia, 1999, The Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa
Karel Benadie (Pokkie), 2007, Karoo National Park, South Africa
James Minye (JJ), 2008, Table Mountain National Park, South Africa
Lucas Mathonsi, 2014, Lion Sands Game Reserve, South Africa
Adriaan Louw, 2015, South Africa
Mark Elbroch, 2015, USA
Jonas Mhula, 2016, The Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa
Juan Pinto, 2016, The Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa
Robert Bryden, 2022, The Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa
Colin Patrick, 2022, The Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa